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Robotic Hernia Surgery

One of the most common operations performed in surgery is the repair of a hernia. Patients who present with hernias usually complain of having associated pain that interferes with their normal daily routine, especially physical activities. The most common hernias are those of an inguinal hernia (located in the groin area), as well as a ventral hernia (located on the abdominal wall) which is most commonly associated with the umbilical area for a site of previous surgery. Our physicians are experienced in performing all types of hernia repairs including laparoscopic and robotic-assisted procedures.

Depending on the patient’s situation, our surgeons may recommend the patient undergo a robotic hernia repair using the da Vinci® system, which was designed as a way to expand on the benefits of laparoscopic surgery. By undergoing robotic-assisted da Vinci® surgery, patients can often achieve enhanced results for their hernia repairs. This is due to the system’s advanced 3D imaging, as well as improved control from the surgical instruments’ range of motion. The state-of-the-art features allow our skilled surgeons to operate with the most accuracy and control. When repairing a ventral hernia, a simple laparoscopic procedure does not allow for the actual defect to be closed and then covered with mesh, whereas the robotic-assisted da Vinci® system often allows for the defect to be closed with sutures and then covered with a mesh for a better repair.

Contact Us

If you are suffering from a hernia, and would like to learn how robotic hernia surgery can help you get back to normal, feel free to contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified surgeons.